A bit over three weeks ago, my kids and I went to the local hatchery and picked out four new baby chicks. We chose two Black Sex Links and two Easter Eggers. We have four grown hens who are going gangbusters and laying two to four eggs for us every day. I wanted to add just a few to our flock to make sure my family is well supplied with eggs as my hens age. So our new baby girls, Pepper, Wildfire, Vanilla, and Hershey, who have been staying 24/7 in a tub in the house, have just made the move to a brooder box in the garage. While we were moving them into their new digs this afternoon, they got their first taste of sunshine out in the driveway. Sheer bliss. I wish I would've had my camera. There was tiny dust-bathing, rolling and stretching out tiny legs, spreading out little wings to warm in the sun. Bliss.
Okay, I got the camera and shot some photos of the little girls soaking up some rays. Too cute. We all can appreciate the feel of that spring sun in our face after such a long and cold winter.
(I'm wondering if this little one might just be a rooster.)